Financial Statements for the First Quarter of 2020

We attach to you the financial statements for the first quarter of 2020.


Date of the 40th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the year 2019

Invitation to attend the 40th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

The Board of Directors of the National Steel Manufacturing Company  is pleased to invite the shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting scheduled to be held at 11:00 AM on Monday 12/4/2020 at the company's headquarters located in Awjan / Wadi Al-Ash - Al-Masane' District.

The honorable shareholders are kindly requested to attend the meeting at the specified time and place or to authorize a shareholder to represent them by filling out the proxy form and submitting it to the factory management at least three days before the scheduled meeting date.
The honorable shareholders are also kindly requested to provide us with valid supporting documents as a prerequisite for attending the meeting.

Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of 2019

We attach to you the financial statements for the third quarter of 2019.


2019 Semi-Annual Financial Statements

We attach to you the semi-annual financial statements for the year 2019 for the National Steel Industry Company 


Minutes of the 39th Annual General Assembly Meeting for the year 2018

We attach to you the minutes of the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly for the year 2018.


Financial Statements for the First Quarter of 2019

We attach to you the financial statements for the first quarter of 2019.


Date of the 39th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for the year 2018

Invitation to attend the 39th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

The Board of Directors of the National Steel Manufacturing Company P.S.C. is pleased to invite the shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting scheduled to be held at 11:00 AM on Monday 29/4/2019 at the company's headquarters located in Awjan / Wadi Al-Ash - Al-Masane' District.

The honorable shareholders are kindly requested to attend the meeting at the specified time and place or to authorize a shareholder to represent them by filling out the proxy form and submitting it to the factory management at least three days before the scheduled meeting date.
The honorable shareholders are also kindly requested to provide us with valid supporting documents as a prerequisite for attending the meeting.

Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements for the Year Ending 12/31/2018

Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements for the Year Ending 12/31/2018


Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of 2018

We attach to you the financial statements for the third quarter of 2018.


2018 Semi-Annual Financial Statements

We attach to you the semi-annual financial statements for the year 2018 for the National Steel Industry Company 


Proceedings of the 38th Annual General Meeting of the National Steel Industry Company

Proceedings of the 38th Annual General Meeting of the National Steel Industry Company


Financial Statements for the First Quarter of 2018

We attach to you the financial statements for the first quarter of 2018.


Invitation to attend the 38th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting


Invitation to attend the 38th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

The Board of Directors of the National Steel Manufacturing Company P.S.C. is pleased to invite the shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting scheduled to be held at 10:00 AM on Sunday 29/4/2018 at the company's headquarters located in Awjan / Wadi Al-Ash - Al-Masane' District

The honorable shareholders are kindly requested to attend the meeting at the specified time and place or to authorize a shareholder to represent them by filling out the proxy form and depositing it with the factory management at least three days before the specified date of the meeting

The honorable shareholders are also kindly requested to provide us with valid supporting documents as a prerequisite for attending the meeting


Thirty-eighth Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements for the Year Ending 12/31/2017

Thirty-eighth Annual Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements for the Year Ending 12/31/2017


Decisions to form and reconstitute committees in 2018

Please be informed that the Board of Directors of the National Steel Manufacturing Company decided in its session held on 17/02/2018 Decision No. 10/13/104 and in implementation of the instructions for the governance of listed joint stock companies for the year 2017, the Board has taken decisions to form and reconstitute the committees shown below, provided that each committee carries out the tasks assigned to it according to the governance instructions issued by the Securities Commission


Notice to the Shareholders of National Steel Industry CO.LTD

اعلان الى السادة / مساهمي الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م

ترجو ادارة الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م ان تذكر مساهميها المذكورين ادناه او ورثتهم الشرعيين او من ينوب عنهم قانونا ضرورة مراجعة

مكاتب الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م قسم المساهمين في الزرقاء / عوجان / وادي العش هاتف 3652802 / 05 خلال ساعات الدوام الرسمي لاستلام امانات أرباح اسهمهم والتي مضى عليها اكثر من خمسة عشر عام دون ان يطالبوا بها  وفي حال التخلف عن ذلك فأن الشركة تنذركم بأن اموالكم المبينة ادناه من الاسهم والارباح ستؤول ملكيتها نهائيا الى حكومة المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية استنادا لاحكام قانون تملك الحكومة للاموال التي يلحقها التقادم رقم (35) لسنة 1985 وتعديلاته ويسقط حق المطالبة بها الا عن طريق المحاكم المختصة بعد مرور ثلاثة اشهر من تاريخ نشر الاعلان في الصحف المحلية.



Important announcement for shareholders who own more than 5% of the shares

Important announcement for shareholders who own more than 5% of the shares

اعلان هام للمساهمين الذين يملكون أكثر من 5 من الأسهم

Company file

Company file





National Steel Industry .LTD

National steel was founded in 1979as rolling mill factory which product reinforcement steel bars 70 thousand tons per year. At 2013 National Steel had renovation on the plant to increase the production capacity and to improve the quality of the production with highest standards and different dia with more than 120 thousand tons per year of reinforcement steel bars with high quality and top technology .
