اعلان الى السادة / مساهمي الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م
ترجو ادارة الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م ان تذكر مساهميها المذكورين ادناه او ورثتهم الشرعيين او من ينوب عنهم قانونا ضرورة مراجعة
مكاتب الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الصلب م.ع.م قسم المساهمين في الزرقاء / عوجان / وادي العش هاتف 3652802 / 05 خلال ساعات الدوام الرسمي لاستلام امانات أرباح اسهمهم والتي مضى عليها اكثر من خمسة عشر عام دون ان يطالبوا بها وفي حال التخلف عن ذلك فأن الشركة تنذركم بأن اموالكم المبينة ادناه من الاسهم والارباح ستؤول ملكيتها نهائيا الى حكومة المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية استنادا لاحكام قانون تملك الحكومة للاموال التي يلحقها التقادم رقم (35) لسنة 1985 وتعديلاته ويسقط حق المطالبة بها الا عن طريق المحاكم المختصة بعد مرور ثلاثة اشهر من تاريخ نشر الاعلان في الصحف المحلية.
The National Steel Industry Company provides its shareholders with the financial statements for the first quarter of 2023
Invitation to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
The Board of Directors of National Steel Manufacturing Company SAOG is pleased to invite shareholders to attend the AGM scheduled to be held at 11 am on Monday 29/4/2019 at the company's center located in Aujan / Wadi Al-Ash, Al-Masa'a District.
The shareholders are kindly requested to attend the meeting at the specified time and place or to delegate their representatives on behalf of the shareholders by filling out the power of attorney and depositing it with the factory management at least three days before the date specified for the meeting.
Shareholders are kindly requested to provide us with valid supporting documents as a prerequisite for attending the meeting.
Important announcement for shareholders who own more than 5% of the shares
The National Steel Industry Company provides its shareholders with the financial statements for the second quarter of 2023
The National Steel Industry Company provides its shareholders with the financial statements for the third quarter of 2023
The Board of Directors of the National Steel Industry Company has decided to invite you to attend the 40th ordinary general assembly meeting that will be held at 12:00 on Thursday, 9/7/2020, by means of video and electronic communication in view of the Corona pandemic and pursuant to the provisions of Defense Law No. (13) of 1992 Defense Order No. (5) for the year 2020 and the procedures issued by His Excellency the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply on April 9-2020 in accordance with the above defense order, to hold the ordinary general assembly meeting of the company by means of the visual and electronic communication (ZOOM) to consider the matters listed on the published meeting schedule On the website of the company and on the website of the Companies Control Department.
Honorable Shareholders, please attend the meeting mentioned at the appointed date by means of video and electronic communication through the following electronic link: .
Or through meeting number 459 860 2503 on the ZOOM program
Note: the power of attorney or authorization must be sent before the date set for the meeting, and you can also make your inquiries regarding the meeting's agenda by email to
before the meeting date to be answered by us
The Board of Directors of the National Steel Industry Company is pleased to invite you to attend the Forty-Fourth regular meeting of the company's general assembly, to be held on 04-25-2024 at 12:00 via video conference.
An announcement to the shareholders of the National Steel Industry Company .LTD to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting
The agenda of the general assembly meeting and the procuration for the shareholders
The Board of Directors of the National Steel Industry Company is pleased to invite you to attend the forty-third regular meeting of the company's general assembly, to be held on 03-16-2023 at 12:00 via video conference.
An announcement to the shareholders of the National Steel Industry Company .LTD to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting
The agenda of the general assembly meeting and the procuration for the shareholders
The Board of Directors of the National Steel Industry Company is pleased to invite you to attend the forty-second ordinary general assembly meeting of the company to be held on 07-04-2022 at 12:00 via video communication.
An announcement to the shareholders of the National Steel Industry Company .LTD to attend the ordinary general assembly meeting
The agenda of the general assembly meeting and the procuration for the shareholders
Invitation to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
The Board of Directors of National Steel Manufacturing Company SAOG is pleased to invite shareholders to attend the AGM scheduled to be held at 11 am on Monday 29/4/2019 at the company's center located in Aujan / Wadi Al-Ash, Al-Masa'a District.
The shareholders are kindly requested to attend the meeting at the specified time and place or to delegate their representatives on behalf of the shareholders by filling out the power of attorney and depositing it with the factory management at least three days before the date specified for the meeting.
Shareholders are kindly requested to provide us with valid supporting documents as a prerequisite for attending the meeting.